How to Provide First Aid for Broken Bones - Helptipsfree

 How to Provide First Aid for Broken Bones-Helptipsfree

How to Provide First Aid for Broken Bones-Helptipsfree

How to Provide First Aid for Broken Bones

First Aid for Broken Bones

How to Provide First Aid for Broken Bones - Helptipsfree

A fracture is a broken or cracked bone. There are two main types of fractures: closed and open. Closed fractures are those where the skin round the injury is not broken; in open fracture the skin is broken. If you suspect a fracture do not treat it until you checked the patient’s ABC. Don’t move the patient with a treatment of broken bones is described as under.

First Aid for Broken Bones: General Treatment

Call an ambulance and reassure the patient.

Steady and support the injured part with one hand above and the other bellow the fracture at the joints.

With an open fracture, cover the wound with a piece of sterile gauze. Continue to support the limb and make the patient as comfortable as possible.

If there is a delay in the arrival of the ambulance, you should immobilize the broken bones. Bandage limbs firmly to prevent movement but allow room for swelling.

Raise the affected limb, if possible, to reduce bleeding and swell if the bone is protruding.

Drape the sterile gauze over the exposed bone and pad round it with cotton wool. Build up the padding and bandage in steps. Immobilize and raise the limb if possible if the bone is not protruding. Place the sterile gauze over the wound.

Put pads of cotton wool over and round the wound and secure with a roller bandage.

Immobilize and raise the limb if possible.

 First Aid for Broken Bones: How to stop bleeding

Applying local pressure to stop the bleeding and elevating the injured part if possible.

Severe bleeding is always an emergency and must be treated as soon as possible. Shock and may be even death can result from major blood loss. Therefore, remedial steps should be taken as soon as possible as given below and illustrated

Apply direct pressure over the wound with your fingers, preferably over a clean pad. Squeeze edges of a gaping wound together.

Raise and support the injured part above the heart as you are applying the pressure. Place a sterile dressing over the wound. Secure firmly with bandage.

If the blood show through the dressing, do not remove it but put another dressing on top. Watch for shock and get patient to a hospital. How to handle broken bones stabilizing them from movement.

Do You Know:

Name the item of First Aid Box

  • Small packs of white paper tissues.
  • Scissors, with blunt ends.
  • Tweezers, with blunt ends.
  • Safety pins collections.
  • Clinical thermometer.
  • Adhesive dressing. (plasters)
  • Pre-packed sterile dressings for open wounds.
  • Pre-packed burns dressings.
  • Pre-packed sterile gauze as an alternative to cotton wool for cleaning cuts.
  • Roll to cotton wool.